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It’s Ash Ketchum’s tenth birthday, and he’s ready to do what many 10-year-olds in the Kanto region set out to do—become a Pokémon Trainer! Things don’t go exactly the way he planned when he ends up with a Pikachu instead of a standard first Pokémon, and winning Gym Badges turns out to be much tougher than he thought.

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Searching all the porn on the Internet might not seem like the most scientifically productive activity, but computational neuroscientists Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam did it anyway. No medieval-style mansion is truly a castle without ghosts. In Ghost Hunter, tissue-paper-like wraiths emerge from everywhere, increasing your fright meter without actually giving you a fright. View dozens of free online comic strips on azcentral.com. Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets Pennsylvania’s source for breaking news, sports, entertainment and weather. Watch videos, view photos and join the discussion. Get headlines from across Pa. online at PennLive.com. It’s Ash Ketchum’s tenth birthday, and he’s ready to do what many 10-year-olds in the Kanto region set out to do—become a Pokémon Trainer! Things don’t go exactly the way he planned when he ends up with a Pikachu instead of a standard first Pokémon, and winning Gym Badges turns out to be much tougher than he thought. The Steam release of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City removed as many as 10 songs from the radio station due to licensing issues. Some of the songs were, Michael Jackson -"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin", Kate Bush -"Wow" and Herbie Hancock - "Rock It" along with a few more that were found on in the in-game radio station Radio Espantoso

David Guillod, producer of "Atomic Blonde," is accused of raping three women. "Ted" star Jessica Barth has also accused him of assault

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